Open May - October
Walk in the footsteps of the pioneers...
Traveling the historic trails like the pioneers is an unparalleled journey into America's history.
On your ride in our pioneer covered wagons, or on our horses as Pony Express Riders you will experience their journey with every step. See the Old West surrounding you as they saw it... hear the sounds of creaking leather harness and the crushing weight of the wagon's wheels on the sandy trail... smell the warm scent of sage on the wind... and then, you will truly "know" what it was like to be there.
A great learn by doing experience
Covered Wagon Tours
Ride in the footsteps of the pioneers on the Oregon, Mormon, California, and Pony Express Trails. We also offer 3 - 5 day historic treks!
Dutch Oven Cookout
Eat like the pioneers with one of our Dutch Oven Cookout experiences. Ride with us for the evening Dutch Oven Wagon Train or enjoy a lunchtime Dutch Oven cookout!
Ride The Pony Express Trail
Ride alongside the wagon trail on the Oregon, Mormon, California and Pony Express Trails.
Modern Pioneer's Stories
"Thank you for sharing Wyoming. You were skillful in taking us through the Trail and shared an impressive knowledge of your State and the land. We were entertained, had laughs, learned a lot, but still found the time for quiet reflection to get lost in the endless trails, the quiet nights and the beautiful mornings. You run a good tour and made us feel very much at home... It was a thrill to slip into the iconic role of cowboy and frontiersman, even if for but a few days."
Frank and Mercy McQuade
"Morris and his crew have such extensive and broad-based knowledge of the trail that it was more than just a fun vacation: it was an opportunity to also feel the sacrifices, trials, and joys of the pioneers and Native Americans rising from the dust and gain a more intimate knowledge of this important chapter in America's history from a first-hand perspective. We walked where they walked and rode where they rode: it was a one-of-a-kind experience my family and I will never forget!"
Carolyn Ethington
"Our family took the over night trip last fall and the kids (ages 4, 5, and 8) still haven't stopped talking about it. They loved sleeping in real Indian Tepees and even remember the mules' names. I just know that when they are very old and grandmas and grandpas themselves, they will remember that camp out and it will bring a smile to their faces!"
Ginger Ludtke

“Embrace the past and discover the essence of the American West.”
Historic Trails West