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Our Wagons

Covered wagon filled with happy passengers in front of a snow dusted Casper Mountain.

How many people built wagons for the trip across the historic trails?

There were 2000 wagon makers during the trail days.


What types of wagons would they make?

You could have anything from a wheel barrow to an 18 bow Conestoga wagon made.


What type of wagon is the one we'll ride in at Historic Trails West?

Our wagons were built on a set of plans from the Smithsonian Institute and a set of drawings from a museum in London, England.

They are 8 bow Prairie Schooner wagons. We'll explain more about our wagons and the unique journeys they've made on your trek.


What are the different parts of a wagon?


Historic Wagons that have traveled the entire Oregon Trail and California trails

If you have any questions or need help planning your Wyoming vacation, call us anytime at 1-307-266-4868.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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PO Box 428
Mills, Wyoming 82644 

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Phone: 307-266-4868


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